Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vertical Horizon, 1

(Certainly not the perfect music video, but...) the perfect pop song?


Lots of people apparently thought so in 1999, when that song was a rather large hit. As with so many "major label success stories", though, the sequel was not so happy. Vertical Horizon, who'd been slogging it out for eight years before BMG "discovered" them, managed to re-release their back catalog and eke out one more album after the big hit before they parted ways in 2003.

But they kept playing, and last year--SIX YEARS later--Vertical Horizon finally got another album out. It's actually pretty good. And it has a surprise: Rush drummer Neal Peart guests on four songs, and contributes lyrics to the final track ("Even Now"):


Yes, it's a BALLAD and it does not sound like Rush, but it's sweet, isn't it? Even if it does sound like you might hear it on American Idol someday:)

The salvation of this band for me: Matt Scannell, the lead singer & songwriter. When he gets to be himself, it's pretty good. Remember that perfect pop song? Listen to it this way:


Yeah, that's right:)

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